Category: dawnstar

Meaning Making Circle

As the events of this week have unfolded we may have felt angry, sad, scared, and confused.  The media, pundits, and our friends and family have explored what happened and why.  But what does it mean to us?  Making meaning is a core human activity … read more.

Care, Connect, Commit

What will faith development programming for children and youth look like this fall at MLUC?

I’ve been asking myself that with varying degrees of curiosity, despair, and determination for months.  Luckily, I do not have to figure out the answers all by myself!  In August we … read more.

Faith in Action

Each month, a small team of dedicated volunteers and I set up a Faith in Action program for kids to participate in on the 2nd Sunday.  In February, we coordinated with Ed Barrett to make care packages for residents of the Pocopson home. Here is … read more.


A minister I used to work with used these words in every child dedication he led:

We wish for you a love of life and a life of wonder.
May you find love and peace and wisdom, and may you know yourself.

How are you, how is … read more.

Our Whole Lives

Our Whole Lives, or OWL, is a life-saving, faith-based, age-appropriate, comprehensive sexuality education program created by the Unitarian Universalist Association with the United Church of Christ. MLUC has a long and proud tradition of offering OWL classes for all ages (as well as About Your … read more.