Stay in Touch
Weekly News: E-Notes and Notes of the Week
E-Notes is a digital publication sent to your email address each Thursday. You can subscribe to E-Notes by submitting the mailing list form at the top of this page.
Notes of the Week is a printed publication included in each Sunday’s Order of Service.
Submit your items for Notes of the Week and E-Notes by 12 p.m. on Wednesdays. Submissions should be no longer than 100 words. Email all submissions to the Communications Coordinator.
Monthly News: What’s Happening
What’s Happening is the monthly church email newsletter. To sign up, submit the mailing list form at the top of the page.
Submit your items for the What’s Happening newsletter by the 10th of each month for the following month’s issue (e.g., March 10 is the deadline for April newsletter). Submissions should be no longer than 225 words. Email all submissions to the Communications Coordinator.
For back issues, consult our archives of the E-Notes and What’s Happening.
Social Media
Like our Facebook page and follow us on Instagram to stay in touch via social media.
Community Matters Email List
This email list was created to promote communication and community, and is run by MLUC members and friends. In this online environment, members and friends can exchange ideas and information about our church, our spiritual journeys, and our lives. Discussions are open to many topics, including but not limited to: UU and social justice news, announcements of interesting events, requests for assistance, offers of goods/services, recommendations for service providers, and personal information such as births, illnesses, etc.
To sign up for the list, send your email address to: