Contributing to MLUC
“We should demand a faith that asks something of us, not settle for one that requires very little.”
~ Michael Durall
Annual Pledge Campaign
Each year, members and friends of our congregation make an annual pledge of support. This pledge supports the operation of the church during the coming fiscal year. The operations budget pays the salaries of our staff, maintains our building and pays the utilities, and funds our community building, religious education, and social justice programs.
The annual pledge campaign happens in the Spring. Pledges made at this time are in support of the fiscal year beginning on July 1st. People who have recently joined or started pledging, may make a pledge for the remainder of the current fiscal year, which ends in June. In either case, you can make a pledge on-line, by selecting “Make a Pledge” from the Members menu at the top of the page.
If you’d like to make a pledge in person, you can call the church and speak to our Director of Finace, Mark Rizzo. You can also make a pledge by mail to Mark Rizzo c/o the church.
Online Payments
If you would like to make a payment to the church of any kind, whether in fulfillment of a pledge, a contribution to the current weekly offering, or some other type of donation, you can use the Payments page. You can also arrange for automatically scheduled payments of an annual pledge from there as well.
Donations of Securities
If you would like to fulfil your pledge, or make a donation to the church, by donating securities, you can follow the instructions in this document. Please don’t use the instructions from prior years.
Weekly Offering
Since September 2009, the Offering Outreach program has selected one charitable organization per month to receive half of the money from the collection plate each Sunday. By supporting organizations that address social justice and humanitarian needs at the local, state, national, and international levels, we demonstrate our values as Unitarian Universalists. (Click to see a list of the organizations who have received one or more offerings.)
Much of our collection is contributed by attendees dropping cash or checks in the basket during the Sunday offering. However, it is also possible to contribute to the offering electronically via the web or by texting from your phone. You can do this by following clicking on the Give link under Members at the top of the page.
Or you can send a text to “610-850-0490″ with the message ” 5 offering” where “5” is the amount would want to donate, e.g. sending “10 offering” to “610-850-0490” will initiate a donation of $10. Once you have filled in your credit or debit card information, the system will remember your phone number and you will not be asked again.
Legacy Gifts
A legacy is a gift from one generation to the next. It is a gift from the heart — a reflection of one’s deepest values, a chance to help shape the future.
Like many of our members, you may feel moved to sustain the church that has been a positive influence on your life. By including MLUC in your estate plans, you will help ensure a vibrant future for our congregation for generations to come.
Legacy gifts can be directed for specific purposes, for example they may be directed toward MLUC’s general endowment, or they may be left directly to the church to be applied directly where they are most needed. The choice is yours.
For more information about legacy giving, please read the legacy brochure. If you’ve decided to include MLUC in your will, we would like to welcome you to the MLUC Legacy Circle. Please share your plans with the Legacy & Endowment Committee by completing and returning the Legacy Circle reply form. Thank you!