As a church of open minds, loving hearts and helping hands, MLUC holds social justice as perhaps our most basic value.  Here, theology and action have always gone hand in hand in a religious community that reaches out locally, nationally and worldwide.

Our MLUC mission puts those words into action as “together we transform lives through love, service and our welcoming faith.”  We are grounded in our Unitarian Universalist principles that call on us to affirm and promote justice, equity and compassion in human relationships.  We are committed to the right of conscience and the use of democratic process.  The goals of a healthy world community and respect for the interdependent web of life are fundamental here.  And we are journeying toward “spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse, multicultural Beloved Community” that dismantles racism and other oppressions.

From the beginning, MLUC has made social justice fundamental to our congregation.  We have encouraged intellectual growth and diversity of opinions through all-church readings and discussions, as well as targeted group conversations.  A basic tenet has been an understanding that social action is done with (not for) communities in need, recognizing the self-defeatism of toxic charity.  We have opened our minds through dialogue by sharing ideas and listening to others.

Loving hearts beat early at MLUC.  Intergenerational programs have involved every age in social action efforts, from packing meals for local food banks…to cleaning polluted streams…to raising scholarship dollars for students abroad.  We have promoted caring and sharing through a variety of interdenominational activities that seek to heal deeply broken spirits and lives.  Welcoming homeless families into our church…escorting patients at Planned Parenthood… linking Christian, Muslim and UU youths are just a few examples of ways we connect.

And helping hands span an ever-widening spectrum of social action projects.  In addition to the major ongoing efforts linked below, MLUC’s history is rich with examples of individual initiatives to address wrongs.  For example, members have worked directly with incarcerated people and staged programs focusing on local human trafficking.  Most recently, we have included an intern minister in justice efforts, holding a pre-election interfaith action event, “Rising Up.  Reproductive Justice in Pennsylvania.”

We encourage you to explore our congregation’s groups and events, and to join our transformative work.  Consider these ongoing social justice works:

Remember, whatever your social justice concerns, you are welcome here. Come join us!