Honoring Dr. Vincent Craig

Honoring Dr. Vincent Craig

Dear Friends,

I am very sad to tell you that our beloved Music Director, Vincent Craig, died suddenly this week. We do not have many details as to what happened. I have reached out to his wife Candace. This will come as a tremendous shock to all of us and our grief will be very deep.

Our worship service on Sunday will continue, however we will change the order of service. What was to be a celebratory coming together will be a time for sharing our sorrow. We will still have our water communion ritual.

I am available by phone at any time, 310-710-6846. Please reach out to me should you want to talk. In the meantime, please be in touch with one another. Hold your loved ones near. And let us all keep Candace and her family in the Light, as we walk through this valley of heartbreak together. We hold each other in our hearts.


Rev. John