Outdoor Service Project Wednesday, April 14, or Saturday, April 17

John Heinz Wildlife Refuge
John Heinz Wildlife Refuge


Join members of the MLUC Environmental Justice team and the Main Line PA Interfaith Power and Light on an environmental clean-up project to help protect our vital watershed! We are volunteering with the Darby Creek Valley Association. Join us outside for clean-ups at the John Heinz Wildlife Refuge, the largest remaining freshwater tidal wetland in Pennsylvania and an integral part of the Darby Creek Watershed that sustains this region.

Here’s what you do: visit online (https://www.dcva.org/watershed-cleanups) and sign up to help out at the Spotlight Clean Up option at the John Heinz Wildlife Refuge, either Wednesday, April 14, or Saturday, April 17, from 9:00 am to noon (low tide). You will need to sign a volunteer service agreement/liability waiver when you do so. Let Pam Kosty, pkosty@yahoo.com, know that you pal to attend. Use the main entrance so we can greet each other. Social distancing rules apply. Wear a mask and long pants and bring bug spray and sunscreen, heavy garden gloves, water resistant boots (if you want to enter the creek) or hiking boots, and a shovel if you have one! Bathrooms available.

One Response to “Outdoor Service Project Wednesday, April 14, or Saturday, April 17

  1. Due to my TEMPORARY disability -collapsing knee on left leg – I won’t be able py be there tp my dismay 😢

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