Sunday, February 16th, 2020

4:00 pm – 6:00 PM (will go a little longer for Q&A if you wish)

Film viewing will be followed by Q&A with subject matter expert panel and film producers.


 A 50 minute documentary film which takes an intimate look at the opiate epidemic that plagues the  neighborhood of  Kensington and which stalks all our  communities.

The film is an authentic, educational and informative journey in examining the provenance of opiates in our region, the hows and whys of addiction, the current state of Kensington and equally gives us hope for the future.

Questions about this epidemic are examined through the eyes of physicians, social workers, law enforcement, residents of Kensington, those suffering from substance abuse disorder and their families.

The film is complete with original music, and a closing by the Villanova Choir.

There will be a Q & A following the film. A panel of individuals engaged in fighting addiction will also be in attendance.

Due to the authenticity and nature of the material, we only recommend that guests be at least 18 years of age or be in the presence of a parent, grandparent or guardian

2 Responses to “KENSINGTON in CRISIS

  1. Will this presentation be video recorded? I am a child and adolescent psychiatrist who gave a presentation on how the opioid crisis in philadelphia leads to sex trafficking (focused on minors). I am super interested but unfortunately be out of town.

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