August 28, 2020
Dear ones,
We are hearing from many of you loud and clear: we are ready, what can we do?
To which we answer: Hallelujah! Let’s go!
We have a lot of ways you can help, this week and in the weeks to come. After Labor Day, we will launch two weekly activities to register voters and support vote-by-mail:
- Tuesday Phonebanks with Pennsylvania United chapters in Western Pennsylvania — starting Tuesday evening 9/15
- Sunday All Hands On Deck Gathering with grounding and updates at 1:30pm followed up 2pm textbanking and phonebanking to central PA with CASA and Pennsylvania Stands Up — starting Sunday 9/20
We hope you’ll mark your calendars for some of these weekly activities and urge you to find a date or several that your congregation or group can “sponsor” by bringing a crew of folks.
If you’re eager to do something before labor day, that’s fabulous! We have suggestions:
- Assess how many hours your congregation can pledge to UUtheVote PA and recruit folks to make individual pledges
- Sunday, August 30th, 2-5pm – Textbank with CASA PA Volunteer Textbanking Sign up English and Spanish speakers welcome!
Wednesday, September 1st, evening – Get trained to lead phonebanks with PA United (email to sign up) - Pennsylvania Stands Up has phone and textbanks daily — you can sign up here to make Vote by mail calls, attend a Text team or a Calls team training. (Note that some of PA Stands Up activities are partisan — be sure to ask for the vote by mail, voter reg, and non-partisan work if you are doing this as a congregation)
- Contact our organizers Cathy Rion Starr or Joan Sabatino to explore or get support for local partnerships and actions that you’re planning!
Finally, we are recruiting stipended UUtheVote Youth Organizing Fellows –please help us get the word out to interested youth and emerging young adults! Interest form is here – please also let us know if you’re interested in mentoring or supporting youth in this work.
Together, we will engage more than 1,000 UU Pennsylvania volunteers to take part in moving our values more fully into our political system.
Thank you for being a part of this, and don’t hestitate to be in touch with questions, gifts you have to offer, or support you need,
In faith and love,
Rev. Joan Sabatino – UUPlan Director and UUtheVote Organizer
Rev. Cathy Rion Starr – UUtheVote PA Organizer / 541-390-7553
Caron Carnahan – Western PA lead
Rev. Terry Cummings – Central PA lead (with Joan)
Rev. Abbey Tennis – Philadelphia/Eastern PA lead (with Cathy)
I wojuld love to help with the phone bank but my memory challenges (don’t ask me what I did 2 hours ago!) make it difficult without a script and prepared answers on paper.