While we are all engaged in “physical” distancing to tackle COVID-19, we hope we’re keeping up our social connections with one another. And your trustees have remained an active part of our vibrant MLUC community, adapting as life moves on.
During these days apart, your Board has joined in streaming Sunday services . . . We have made personal calls to check in and support each other . . . We have Zoomed into your homes with open sessions to stay connected . . . And behind the scenes, we’re exploring new and more meaningful ways to reach out and join hands (or bump elbows!).
Two areas are particularly noteworthy. The first is fostering an ongoing congregational conversation about shared perspectives. Earlier this year, we sponsored a soup luncheon to discuss the open-ended question, “How do we foster spiritual growth and fulfillment?” A second food-for-thought session was planned for spring to ask, “What makes MLUC unique? How do we attract members and change lives?”
Breaking bread with each other and chatting directly may not be possible again this church year. But we can use this time to think about these issues and continue our ongoing virtual contacts. Perhaps sharing a Zoom meal or some other new format may be the answer; or maybe we’ll wait until we can talk face-to-face again. But the conversations will go on.
Our second area of special concern is the on-going business of MLUC. Our team of trustees, staff, and members has been seeking ways to keep our congregation on track. We have helped launch this year’s pledge drive, begun organizing our annual meeting, kept busy preparing for an incoming Board, and conducted other life-must-go-on activities. Holding regular meetings via Zoom has helped but has also made these efforts more challenging than ever.
In a time of mutual concern for our physical, emotional, and spiritual health, your trustees have also been working with Rev. Neal to promote Safe Congregation policy and programs. MLUC staff will participate in on-line sexual harassment training to ensure legal and moral compliance and provide tools for handling these sensitive issues.
We encourage everyone to reach out to us not only to pursue mutual concerns such as these but to be a comfort to each other. Please take this time apart to stay safe and stay connected.