Re-Imagining the Beloved Community


Sixty-five years ago, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, envisioned a society based on equal justice, equal opportunities, and love for our neighbors. However, today, we are still trying to live up to Dr. King’s hopeful, transformational, moral vision of the Beloved Community. How can we reimagine and recast the vision of the “Beloved Community” for the times we are living today ”? What does a reimagined Beloved Community look like, feel like if it became real to us?


Rev. Sherman Z. Logan, Jr. serves as the Executive Minister of the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Richmond, VA. A native of Richmond, he attended the University of Virginia, and received the Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology. After a twenty-year career in business, Rev Logan answered his call to ministry and entered the Samuel D. Proctor School of Theology at Virginia Union University, earning the Master of Divinity degree.

Ordained to the Baptist Ministry in 2006, he served as Associate Pastor at the Trinity Baptist Church of Richmond. He joined the staff of the First Unitarian Universalist and has served the congregation since 2008. In 2014, Rev Logan was granted Preliminary Ministerial Fellowship by the Unitarian Universalist Association and in 2019, he was granted Full Ministerial Fellowship. He is currently serving a three-year term as a member of the UUA Board of Trustees.

Rev. Logan is married to Franka Logan and together they have four daughters and a son. They are also doting grandparents to three girls, and two boys.

