Nominating Committee Senior Minister Search Committee Process

The Nominating Committee will soon start the process of nominating members for the 2022 Senior Minister Search Committee (SMSC). The SMSC will be charged to work for approximately 14 months to identify, vet, and present a candidate to be considered by our congregation to serve our church as senior minister.

Selecting the SMSC is the work of both the Nominating Committee and the congregation. The Nominating Committee will ask everyone for thoughtful recommendations of potential members for the SMSC. Our goal is to select a team of qualified and trusted lay leaders who are in touch with the changing nature of the church and who can represent the diversity and strengths within MLUC.

The search process for the SMSC will begin in the fall with a “Call for Recommendations” to all members, long-term and newer, for input on potential committee members. Click here for a description of the committee roles. The Nominating Committee will review each recommendation and continue the selection process with follow-up calls, interviews, and references. Finally, the Nominating Committee will present a slate of seven SMSC nominees for the congregation to approve.

Further details about the SMSC selection process and timing will be issued in late summer, in advance of the launch of the “Call for Recommendations.” Questions? Email the Nominating Committee at