Join the International Green Wave for Abortion Rights

Join the International Green Wave for Abortion Rights

“Marea verde.” The green wave, or the green tide. The color green, on bandanas, t-shirts, protest signs, and more, has its origins in the powerful reproductive rights movement taking place throughout Latin America. And now, since Roe vs Wade abortion protections, once thought guaranteed in this country, have been overturned, abortion rights activists in the United States are beginning to show up wearing green—following their sisters south of the border.

In Argentina, Marta Alanis, founder of Catholics for the Right to Decide (Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir), first suggested wearing a green bandana as a “symbol of hope, health, life” in 2003. Green bandanas were soon adopted by other women’s rights groups in Argentina, and over time the concept has spread to abortion rights proponents in other Latin American countries. And the movement is making headway: recently several Latin American countries, including Argentina, Colombia, and parts of Mexico, have decriminalized abortion.

Sundays, September 4 and 11, look for Reproductive Justice team members at MLUC in the Atrium, wearing green, a symbol of the fight for reproductive justice for all—and join us!

Don’t be left out! You can purchase your own MLUC Reproductive Justice t-shirt here (all profits go to the Abortion Liberation Fund of PA):

We can’t wait to see you!