Guidelines for Re-opening MLUC Church Services

MLUC is now ready to reopen for church services. We will do so with caution and true to our commitment to protect the most vulnerable in our community. These guidelines will continue to be revised over the coming weeks based on local and national guidance, local community transmission and vaccination levels, and feedback from the congregation and staff.

We ask everyone to appreciate and respect different levels of comfort with distancing and personal space during this transition period. When deciding on where to sit or whether to hug someone, please communicate with your neighbors openly and respectfully.

We are a multi-generational community and we assume that unvaccinated young children will be in attendance in some parts of our services. We also welcome the immune compromised and others in our community who may not be vaccinated. So we ask everyone to wear masks indoors (unless they are speaking or performing before the congregation). We ask you to do this to protect others, and to model good mask behavior for our kids. We will reconsider mask wearing as transmission levels continue to go down in our local counties, and/or once vaccines become available for young children.

Children and youth are, as always, welcome to attend the service. In addition the playgrounds will be open for supervised play. Outside of services, we will emphasize outdoor programming for young children.

At least initially, we ask people to limit bathroom use to one person or household group at a time.

Initially we will limit attendance in the Main Meeting Room to 100. The staff will monitor air quality in the MMR and will make adjustments to services and capacity based on those measurements. Initial capacity limitations have been set based on advance testing and taking into account ventilation from windows and doors and exhaust systems. At least for the initial services, we ask people to register in advance prior to attending – you will be able to do so online or by calling the church office.
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There will be live music. There may be limited hymn singing. Again, any restrictions will be reassessed as time goes on.

Coffee hour and any pre-service and post-service socializing shall occur exclusively outdoors and weather permitting. Refreshments will be provided. Mask wearing outdoors will be an individual decision based on your vaccination status and individual risk assessment.

QC2 representatives will be available to gather feedback outdoors after services.


  ⇒ Click here to sign up for 6/13 ⇐