It may seem surprising, but our cherished seven principles are also known as Section C-2.1 of the bylaws of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). That section begins “We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association covenant to affirm and promote …(1) The inherent worth and dignity…”
Section C-2.1 is part of Article II Principles and Purposes; its other sections include Purposes, Inclusion, and Freedom of Belief. Article II was last revised in 1987. You can read all of it here.
Over the past decade there have been numerous suggestions that we adopt changes to Article II, including the Prinicples. In response to these, the UUA Board has committed to establishing an Article II Study Commission to consider possible amendments to this Article.
If the commision recommends changes to the principles or any part of Article II, the first vote to adopt the changes will be at General Assembly (GA) in June 2022 in Portland, Oregon. A second required vote will then be held at GA in June 2023 in Pittsburgh.
You can read more about this commision, and it’s charge here.