As part of the church’s shift to a new membership database system, we have been moving our on-line giving to a new platform. If you have regularly scheduled payments on our existing platform, we’ll be in touch with you in the next few weeks to transfer those payments to the new system.
This will also affect the way we contribute using text messages from our phone. The new number and instructions are below. The old method will continue to work until the end of June but we recommend using the new method beginning with your next donation.
Text To: (610) 850-0490 (Use this full phone number instead of the old 5 digit code.)
Message: <the amount to donate> <the fund to give to>
5 offering – Send $5 to the Sunday offering
5 – Send $5 to the Sunday offering because that is the default
20 donation – Send $20 as a donation or pledge payment
20 mdf – Send $20 to the Minister’s Discretionary Fund
Your first time donating by this method, you’ll be asked to enter credit card or bank account numbers. Subsequent donations will proceed automatically. You’ll receive a receipt via email.
If you make a mistake you can text “refund” to reverse the previous contribution (within 24 hours).
If you want to change your method of giving you can text “update”. This list of all available commands includes instructions for automatically giving on a schedule.