The Committee on Ministry Health (CoMH) provides consistent and ongoing assessment of the ministries and minister(s) of MLUC.  The committee consists of up to four members of the congregation and one board member serving as liaison. The goal of the committee is to assist the Board in assessing the effectiveness of the congregation and the called ministers in fulfilling the mission of the church.  CoMH often helps clarify goals, making non-binding recommendations and reporting findings to the Board of Trustees.  The trustees then provide a summary of CoMH’s findings to the congregation.

During the ministerial transition phase in the 2022-2023 church year, CoMH will be on hiatus and will restart its activities after a new Senior Minister has been called and settled.

Current committee members are Michael Zink (chair), Gary Geoghegan, and Betsy McIlwain.  The board member liaison is Keith Aumiller.

Email them at