Unitarian Universalist Association

Unitarian Universalist churches practice congregational polity. Our religion is a community of autonomous churches; each congregation elects its own leaders, determines their own membership, selects their own clergy, and pays their own way.

Our church is a member congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) comprising about one thousand member churches. The UUA’s mission is to equip congregations for healthy and vital ministry; to support and train leaders both lay and professional; to advance our UU values in the public sphere, nationally and globally. Each year members of MLUC and other UU congregations from across the country and around the world attend General Assembly, the annual meeting of the UUA. Attendees worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the Association through democratic process.



Central East Region

The UUA member congregations are organized into five geographic regions, each containing about two hundred churches. MLUC is part of the Central East Region. You can see the churches of this region on this map.

Greater Philly Cluster

The blue dots on the map which are colocated in our geographic neighborhood are the members of the Greater Philly Cluster of UU churches.